Document Management

Survival and growth for electrical distributors
It wasn't long ago that electrical distributors could rely on regional and territorial advantages as...

Expanding the Borders of Your Business
There's a whole new world waiting for your business. With instant communication channels easily accessible...

Future-proof your tech stack with seamless integrations
Today's business environment is becoming more and more competi ti ve: companies need to move faster,...

Top 4 reasons to upgrade to an Enterprise Management Solution
Your ERP system might be chugging along, but it can't cope with the increasing demands you have from...

10 things you should know about newly empowered automotive consumers
Power and influence in the automotive industry have dramatically shifted from the companies that make...

Cybersecurity Crisis-Planning Checklist
Tips for Planning and Ensuring Business Continuity with Zscaler. In uncertain times, a CxO's first priority...

The 8-Ball of Customer Portfolio Segmentation for Finance
If you've found yourself sweating in a smoky billiard room, wondering about what role customer data should...

Global Bankruptcy Report 2017
Global economic growth forecasts have been revised downwards almost every year since the financial crisis,...

Get The Most From Your CRM
In the last decade, customer relationship management (CRM) platform adoption has increased rapidly to...

Sage Business Cloud Financials
You already know that Salesforce is the world's leading customer relationship management solution. But...

A Finance Director's Guide to Business Partnering
Bringing finance closer to the rest of the business is an enticing prospect. But enabling accountants...

Four Easy Ways Central Logging Improves Security Posture
Most cybersecurity tools are designed to help identify, alert on, and in some cases prevent a particular...

10 redenen waarom u beter kunt boekhouden op het Salesforce Platform
FinancialForce Accounting combineert de kracht van de Salesforce APP Cloud met een baanbrekend nieuw...
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